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      Ameya Padhye      

Pune, India

People of the Internet!!

This is me, Ameya! I’m an engineer turned product designer who happens to have a tremendous interest in technology, just like many of you might have since you are here. I get excited by well-designed, well-crafted hardware and software products. So much so that I keep changing apps based on their designs, very frequently. I love typography. I always loved reading about tech, watching videos on YouTube and listening to podcasts daily. I always liked to talk and discuss the technology that we use in our daily lives with the people around me. Thought I should share some of my takes on the products and their designs on the internet as well, hence these posts.

I always thought that technology isn’t just for enthusiasts, but everyone. Fortunately, we can see it being used by many people in their daily lives. Be it for communicating with our loved ones, clicking pictures, navigating using maps, making quick and convenient digital payments, buying almost anything that comes to our mind, and getting it delivered to our doorstep, the list goes on. It's good to see that people who are not into tech at all, are also becoming comfortable with using these tools without any hesitation.


But many times, we find it difficult to understand the relevance of tech products or the services that are offered to us. It could be because of the huge and complicated jargon the marketing teams use to hype their products or the specification chase that’s been going on for a while. Most of the “non-techy” people, find it difficult to understand, what these specs mean or how those will translate in real-life usage. And it creates this huge gap between the products and whom they are made for.


As a product designer, I wish to address the tech, from the consumer's perspective. I wish to go beyond just mere technical specifications, into understanding the idea behind a product or a feature, its design from a user experience point of view, and how can it be made more relevant in our daily routine. So glad to have you here, looking forward to hanging out with you, and hearing your thoughts. Cheers!

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